About us

Welcome to the West Midlands Group (WMG) of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting.

We currently have around 45 members and are happy to welcome many more, whether they are established translators and interpreters moving to our region or new professionals joining the industry. Our annual subscription is £10 for ITI members and £5 for current students. Membership also includes access to our groups.io e-group, where we chat, support one another and share news. If you would like to join us, please contact our Membership Secretary  Bryan Thomas.

Connect with fellow translators and interpreters, enjoy the encouragement and support of our friendly group and attend affordable professional events in the West Midlands.

We organize several professional and social events each year, meet regularly for co-working sessions in Birmingham and elsewhere, and have an e-group where members can ask for advice and post job offers and other relevant information. 

Furthermore, we offer CPD bursaries allowing WMG members to participate in any CPD event, online or face-to-face to hone their professional and linguistic skills in their specialist areas of translation or interpreting, or to gain a deeper understanding about industry trends. Grants will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the funds available at the time of application. For further information, please contact our coordinator Sarah Letza

We are a friendly and helpful group and welcome new members, including people who have not (yet) joined the ITI.

To find out more, why not follow us on Twitter for regular event updates.

ITI West Midlands Group respects and protects your privacy. We do our utmost to ensure the information you give us is only ever used for the purpose you intended. For more, see our full privacy notice here.

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