Translating & tweeting at Aston on 20 March

Bookings are coming in for our translation workshop on 20 March. If you've never been to a translation workshop before, please do come and try it out. They're always interesting and fun! We work in language-specific groups on short texts, attempting to produce a collaborative translation - if only of the first sentence! There will be fascinating discussions of tricky aspects (and we're hoping to have some extra-tricky ones this time, including puns and rhymes) and plenty of insights into other people's approaches.

This time the workshop is split into two halves, with an introduction to Twitter by Lloyd Binham in the middle. This means that tweeting will be permitted - and even encouraged, but not enforced - in the second half of the workshop.

At 5pm we will be relocating to the Bacchus Bar for a tweet-up (non-tweeters also welcome!) For more details and to request a booking form, please see the Events page.

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