ITI West Midlands Group
AGM Friday May 9 2014
- Welcome to AGM – Juliet Hammond-Smith
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of AGM 201
- Finance report – Charlie Gobbett
- Membership – Jean Darvill
- Website, publicity contacts with ITI – Ros Mendy
- Update on Interpreting – Rekha Narula
- Events over the last year – Juliet Hammond Smith
- Shadowing with Aston students
- Transcultural reading project
- Walks past and present – Winter and Summer – summary prepared by Mike Hanson
- Talk with Keith Houston – summary prepared Ulrike Nichols
- WMG on twitter and social media - discussion
- Other future workshops and ideas at Aston
- Ideas for ITI conference at Newcastle 23-25 April 2015
- Suggestions and requests
- Matters arising