Translation workshop tackles snail porridge
Last Saturday's WMG translation workshop at Aston University was enjoyable, interesting, and just a bit disgusting as we discussed how to convey the delights of "snail porridge" (from The Fat Duck Tasting Menu) in various languages. I think in the German group we decided that "Schneckenschleim" probably didn't sound very appetizing.
Working in mixed groups with translators working in opposite language directions was fun. The English>German translators in the German group produced a fantastic back-translation to compare with the original German text that we German>English translators were looking at. Not only was it remarkably similar to the original, considering its literary style, but where it differed it was, we agreed, better.
Working in mixed groups with translators working in opposite language directions was fun. The English>German translators in the German group produced a fantastic back-translation to compare with the original German text that we German>English translators were looking at. Not only was it remarkably similar to the original, considering its literary style, but where it differed it was, we agreed, better.